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    • How to remove the stains on linyi steel wire ball

      2023-04-13 717
            I do not know if we found that there will be stains after the use of wire ball for a period of time, we should how to remove this stain, the following Linyi wire ball teach us how to remove stains!
      Because most of the detergent used will pass through the steel wire seam, it is difficult to wash clean with clean water, residual detergent in the above through a certain temperature and time of fermentation, can not still be a detergent with cleaning ability will harbor dirt, dirt in the future, will derive bacteria.  So it's bad for our diet.
            The healthiest way to remove oil is to wash the oil with hot water first, then wipe it slowly with a cleaning ball, and then go over the hot water of more than 60 degrees for disinfection, which can also save the amount of detergent, but the used cleaning ball also advocates soaking in hot water three times, to achieve the purpose of sterilization, drying display.
          Article from: Linyi steel wire ball www.www.z6694.cn
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